Making money by blogging and earn online

Are you one of those wish you can earn extra money online.Plenty people has make their profit from the web via blogging.  Blogging is just one of the many methods that can help you make extra cash online.Writing blog post not much difference or it might easier work then office 9-5 off line job for certain people.And one of the best thing to make money online is you're working at home.
Making money by blogging and earn online
The fact is ,it is not very difficult to create a blogs,but it kind of hard to make a dime from our blog especially you are newbie.Not to mention the amount of scammer who try to sell you crap.Stop buying those fast making money secrect that promised your earn thounsand overnight.Start from the very basic.The very fist thing you have to think about is dicide what you are familar with.Chooce the nichi that you are good at will put you in a good position when it come to make money blogging.

once you've found your niche. Do some SEO (Search engines Optimisation).You can get some idea on how to optimise your blog at Your blogs are generally accessible to the public.

How to make money online with blog:
1) Adsense on your blog.Adsense ad run by google.It put an advertisement on you blog. You make money when your visitor click on it.

2)Run your own advertising program. Once your blog is well known in the blogosphere, potential advertisers will interested in advertise on your blog. You can set up a price for your advertisement space.

3)Paid to blog.Be a blog writer for merchants, advertisers and other professionals who are looking for writers to blog about their newly created product or company..check out 20+ Get paid by blogging network to earning online.

4)Promoting affiliate program.In this case,you're making money by selling other people's products.You recommend a affiliate product to your blog earn affiliate commission when they're buying from your affiliate link.

5)Sell you blog and create another one.and repeat it.It's possible to earn big money by selling your blog if your blog is very popular.

Start make money online with blog .Well you do need some imagination and creativity to create useful content to gain popularity to you blog.Remember don't spam !!!After you have your popularity you'll earn money online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes that is a really good trick.Thanks for sharing that with us.